#bc its the south
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kawaiijohn · 5 months ago
After the hurricane recovery is starting in the states and the damage is so bad in some places, they're either gone or don't have a single road left into town.
The power outage map for the states affected is honestly astounding. I actually know friends in southwestern Ohio that had a tornado/cyclonic thunderstorm from this system knock their power out.
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Some places might not get power back for 2+ weeks.
The western half of North Carolina, where the Appalachian mountains are, is so badly damaged that some news stations are warning from any travel, and to consider every road closed until further notice.
Asherville is so damaged there seem to be almost no major roads left in or out of town.
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The flooding from this storm is devastating and has destroyed entire towns and wiped some off the map. Damns and other infrastructure are failing all over the affected areas.
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Until the flood waters recede sometime in the next few days, we won't have a full scope of just how badly people have been affected, nor will we have a final death toll.
Oh also, apparently the governor of Tennessee has not declared a state of emergency despite several places being catastrophically inundated. Instead he's done this, which is pissing a lot of people off.
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alovember · 8 months ago
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2 months later
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He's just a guy who cares a bit too much
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sudaca-swag · 26 days ago
south america in the kill yourself: 4th heat wave of the summer era
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buttery-chaos · 1 year ago
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🧡 favorite colors💙
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jerreeeeeee · 10 months ago
i don't think taako's voice is really all that high most of the time. it's higher than justin's normal voice a little, but idk, the defining quality of it isn't its pitch to me, there's something else that i don't really have the words for. but anyway i do notice that his voice gets lower and less exaggerated when he's being serious. which is interesting bc it sort of implies that the usual "taako voice" is something he puts on.
i don't really think of taako as a habitual performer. his charisma modifier is a -1, he's not this ultra smooth charming actor, and although he does tend to hide behind humor and is slow to build connections, he's also very frank with what he's about and what he wants. he goes on an entire tirade about wanting to talk about his feelings (he's multidimensional!), he never acts embarrassed or hesitant about big moments of vulnerability and caring for others (arms outstretched, "i'm not going fucking anywhere," admitting a deep fear to kravitz on their first date, spilling his tragic backstory to angus, not to mention several serious moments with lup) (and not all of these can be chalked up to "forgotten connections," either. he does have a foundation of growth with magnus and merle, even forgotten, and his conversations with lup are of course all with memories intact, but he does not have that with kravitz and angus). he's just slow to reveal all of his hidden depths, because of (understandable) trust issues. but all in all he's not nearly as closed off as i think fandom tends to portray him (which is not to say he's open, either), nor is he someone who wears a lot of masks and obscures himself. i don't think he hides his "true self."
sizzle it up was successful because of his intelligence, not his charisma. he's a natural teacher who's knowledgeable and passionate, and that was what made the show great, not his personality or performance (though i don't think those were bad. just not the primary appeal of the show. the only fan we see is ren, and she loved sizzle it up because it inspired her and taught her to cook, not because she thought taako was awesome or whatever). bc that's the thing, he's not a performer, but he is extremely adaptable. so when he's set up with a stagecoach and a show lined up, sure, he'll have a TV persona, he'll learn to be charming, he'll learn to be showy, when he's on stage. when he gets famous, he learns to like being famous, but i don't think it was really a dream of his before then. or at least not in the way people think of it. i don't think he ever wanted to be a celebrity as much as a celebrity chef or celebrity wizard. he doesn't care if people think he's pretty. he doesn't want people to adore him (before the voidfish, anyway. afterwards is a different story. there's a void where love used to be that he's desperate to fill, and adoration almost feels like it works). really what he wants is for people to appreciate his skill and intelligence and depth (and he's also very afraid of actually displaying those things. he's multidimensional).
but most of the time, when he's not literally performing for an audience, i just don't think he's putting on a show, desperate for people to like him and think he's charming. he'll do what he needs to do, say what he needs to say, be who he needs to be in any given circumstance, with strangers and antagonists, but he also drops the act when it's not necessary. or at least his performance is subtler. he performs stupidity, he performs nonchalance, he makes efforts to be funny (because he is always funny, but that's something you have to work for and always be thinking about, even when the humor is dry), he carefully does just enough to be useful, but not enough to raise expectations. he's very aware of how other people view him, but he's also perfectly okay with people thinking negatively about him—as long as they're the negative traits he wants people to see. but, he only does all those things in the beginning of the show; after a little while with magnus and merle, after a little while with the bob, he drops the act. so i guess that's the difference to me. he's adaptable out of necessity, it doesn't bleed into his entire life. i don't even really think i'd qualify it as a performance. it's more of an invisibility. he's not performing charisma to get people to like him, he's trying to lay low. but then when he actually wants people to like him, he's himself, fairly unapologetically. with the people who matter, lup, magnus and merle, kravitz, the other bob members, the other ipre crew, he's pretty comfortable with himself.
one last interesting point is that while he doesn’t seem to hesitate when it comes to actions, he does shy away from verbal displays of affection, trust, vulnerability. and the best two scenes to show that play out almost exactly the same: lup’s best day ever dinner, and dropping his disguise self with kravitz. in each, taako does something meaningful for both npcs, who then verbalize their affection for him, which taako immediately deflects with a joke.
taako drops his disguise spell for kravitz, totally honest with him, (although… i don’t tend to think the beauty sacrifice was as meaningful to taako as fandom tends to portray, i think most of his vanity is an exaggeration he intentionally cultivates, but still, it’s a vulnerable moment, he clearly cares what kravitz thinks), and kravitz tells him he loves him. to which taako replies with a joke. he does not return the words.
taako doesn’t hesitate to construct the best day ever for lup, never even questions why she’d ask. he puts it all together, cooks for her, shows her he knows her, he loves her—and then when she bears her heart to him, tells him he is her heart, all he says is, “i know,” and pulls out a bottle of vodka. of course lup knows he loves her, the whole day was an elaborate demonstration of it, but he doesn’t say anything. to be fair, it’s not exactly a typical interaction between them, taako is textually scared shitless, lup did just tell him she’s going to turn herself into an undead abomination, so he’s not exactly at his best here. but anyway.
i don’t really have anything to add to this observation, it’s just very consistent and interesting to me. taako is fairly comfortable with grand gestures, but sidesteps around words. which ties in perfectly with his identity as a chef, to me. cooking is an action, work, intention, cooking for people is an act of love, an act of connection, an act of caring, and taako’s character doesn’t fit the bill for that—except, he kinda really does.
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lesliemeyers · 9 months ago
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y'know thats pretty goth
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marshbarks · 4 months ago
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STYLE WEEK, DAY 1 💚💙 | collab w/@slobbykitty used the prompt aftercare, for vampire kyle bandaging up stan after feeding on him. they're so fun, i absolutely adore these two ♥
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sutherlins · 17 days ago
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↳ GOD LIGHT SHININ’ THROUGH THE IN-BETWEEN by @ambeauty [Complete - 9K | Rated E]
Sometimes between tickets she’d peek out the window to watch his face as he ate. He was so reactive. His eyes would close. He’d shake his head a little bit. He’d tap a pen on a napkin and draw something. She was extremely intrigued and observant. Not every day did a stranger with freakishly blue eyes walk into her restaurant and start over analyzing her food and befriending her staff. And now they had a date. At least that’s what she assumed it was. But maybe she shouldn’t get ahead of herself? But she was Sydney Adamu and that’s just what the fuck she did.
sutherlins fic appreciation week (please show the fics love, kudos, and comments on ao3!)
This fic is so wonderful. It's sweet and tender and has grief and love and connection all wrapped up in one. Their backstories in this kiss canon but go their own way so beautifully, and the chemistry between them is wonderful. The setting is so immersive you'll want a fan to cool yourself down with that summer humidity that's suddenly in the air... I commented this under the fic when I first read it ''I need an industrial, and we are talking fire truck hooked up to a hydrant level hose to hose me down I'm so hot and bothered.'' and I think that about sums up my thoughts.
Please go read if you haven't already, and show some love over on ao3! (ps. I'm doing 7 this month and intend to make this a monthly thing!)
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oaksapling · 6 months ago
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Lamont Fisher.
'Monte' or 'Fish' to friends and family. One of Brooklyn's friends who cooks at the diner Nicky and Rory work at. He's also their plug. Likes to mess around with different edible recipes because he knows Rory prefers them to smoking. He always lets Rory taste test for him and he might be charging Rory a little less than he charges everyone else but no one has to know that.
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sunlight-shunlight · 4 days ago
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i'm... revolted. yeah no shit the fandom is "hostile towards south asians" it's BECAUSE of this type of nonsense. i swear to god.
literally 10 years ago i was getting slurs in my inbox from white people bc i said it was a little strange and inappropriate to slap on random orientalist mishmashes of cultural items onto their ocs, without any clear reason or research behind it. and now people are arguing points like "using teal blue" is somehow a well-known reference to hinduism, and that it somehow indicated deep cultural affiliation with abolition movements. it doesn't! this entire post was nonsense! none of their "proof" is anything! hope that helps. 👍🏽
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ryegarden · 2 years ago
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faunandfloraas · 6 months ago
Aussie question time: when I find out an idol is American/Canadian, their image in my mind completely changes because now it’s like “Oh I know exactly who you are, I grew up with your type around me” there are subtleties that I’m going to understand that others might not. So with all that said, I’ve been curious about what that’s like (if you experience it) w the skz aussies (throw in a lily if you’re feeling it -v-) 🎤
this is wayyyyyy too long so I'm putting it under a read more- also disclaimer: i dont know these guys and these are just my opinions, dont take em too srs <3
Hmmmm... Well I guess I'll start with Felix- I've said it before a bunch but the whole "Felix is a tiny uwuw baby sweet summerchild who is just such a baby" etc. etc. has made me laugh from the get go- because Yep! he is incredibly sensitive and sweet natured and kind and he cries a lot- 100% that is true. Dont think I'm saying it's not. But like. He also grew up in western sydney, he grew up in a area that if you google it one of the first suggestions is "is it safe" but then at the same time he went to private catholic school im pretty sure. and i saw pics from back then that he'd posted back in the day of cool little felix with his gold watch and his fade and all his little homeboys looking rowdy on the train- I know that kid and while that kid can also be sweet and sensitive, he's not incapable and hes not a baby. Good recent example was when he went on that Jewel box show with the gay dudes and people were acting like he was *so uncomfortable* and sooooo out of his element and so this and so that- theres gay dudes all over sydney, there's gay dudes all over australian media- the idea felix couldnt handle that was simply laughable to me- but it kinda shows how many outside perceptions of him still very much fall into that vaguely infantalizing thing. Like when he was the one who was happy to go up to adam levine and dj snake in that skz talker while the other boys were much more shy? that didnt shock me at all. felix went to korea as a whole teenager laregly against his parent wishes- he's actually quite an outgoing and brave guy. Outgoing guys can still be sweeties, though- one doesn't negate the other.
One other aspect of Felix i think a lot of fans just gloss over but is easily noticeable by me is that he can kindaaaaaa be ... a lil bitchy? like he's never ever mean or cruel dont get me wrong- but he has a slight bitchy streak, he rolls his eyes AND he's actually much more sarcastic than people bring up? Again- he does it a lot with Chan and that doesnt shock me- they both are aussie boys, Chan will get it and I think Felix can very much be himself with Chan, he doesn't necessarily feel the need to put up an extra air of like... Sweetie boy-ness? bc when he calls chan a cunt on live chan just laughs and goes OI!! so yuh the main thing with felix is while i do think hes a little sweet guy, ive never from the get go had a hard time seeing him outside of that box, too. Also maybe that's a lil bit aussie humour slipping under the radar here or there 🤔
Chan to me from the get go too was pretty much like. Prototypical overachieving aussie Good Boy. Like, i had a drafted post i never posted bc it was too niche- but it was essentially about how he speaks about sports and the like, and it just said "We get it. You went to zone carnival" which was the sporting event that the kids who got gold or 1st place were sent to. If you went to zone, you were the Successful kid. I think these days most fans perceive him as... a bit of a goofy guy? but I have gone through the archives and i have seen the comments from people talking about how chans such a bad boy- thats shit is so funny to me bc you can show me every iteration of chan and I'd never, ever think he's a bad boy. Like he wishes he was a bad boy, he kinda cosplays a bad boy- even him referencing swearing bc of his australianess and shit over the years makes me giggle a little bc i feel like felix def 100% swears all the time but he doesnt like Smirk about it too much? he doesnt really bring it up? things like that stand out, it to me feels very like Oh yeah I'm this naughty Aussie boy who swears hehe and then all the australians are like ? Girl we all do huh lmao
Otherwise, I dont have as much to say about chan as i do about felix, funnily. Like idk people might perceive differently to me, but nothing too far off? I will say that given Chan's success and the fact he was seemingly a very well achieving kid too (maybe not debuting for such a long time is part of this) he is WAY more humble than I'd expect. Like not to besmirch Australian men but a lot of them can be really loud and cocky, especially the famous successful ones (any sport star) it's almost encouraged to be like that if you're a dude (but only to a certain degree, anything beyond a certain point and you'll be roasted lol) So I have to give credit where it's due and say that Chan *Seemingly does have a very good nature and I appreciate that about him! Its probably why I like him so much bc he actually very much doesn't give off those vibes- he doesn't seem like that overly macho cocky bloke I know very well. So that makes him good fun for me- he's very successful and he's confident and yet he doesn't activate any of my bitch instincts- thats impressive! I don't know him, so I'll never know for sure of course, i feel like i need to make that disclaimer but still I do believe he has a good heart, and he tries so hard! and I appreciate that.
Lily is weirdly like Chan. like she's hilariously like chan tbh- I wonder how they really get along sometimes bc I feel like they might look at each other and be like Hm... we the same............ ? Lmao I will say though, lily is a bit out of pocket and half of that I believe is her personality but half of it is just.... I think she's just australian 😭 like i cant lie you get me as a teenager to early 20 something and put me on a live and I can promise I would be saying as much ?? shit. Like, I do think Australians are a little loud and not necessarily always.... tactful (again Not everyone, but yk.) lily certainly fits that bill to a T. I appreciate that regardless of her idolhood she does still say things that maybe she shouldn't, she shrugs off a shoplifting confession, she says she'd murder someone if she had to, she bought and wore a shirt that fans quickly tracked down and found out all the proceeds were going to Palestine- she would have known what that suggested. she clearly had this goal of being an idol since she was a baby, like literal baby but she hasn't sacrificed her broader personality, even the parts that could potentially be off-putting to those idol fans that expect perfection and nothing else. I appreciate that in her! and I hope she never loses her little weird girl spark bc it does make her very dynamic! Her slightly gruff aussie girlness is very fun for me to see in the idolsphere bc it def feels out of place, but in a refreshing way...
so yeah. Idk if this was sensical, I was making dinner so I put my phone down a bunch and it's probably disjointed but thats my opinion... my thoughts, my ideas! Idk my take on them. Thanks for asking 🫡
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slobbykitty · 18 days ago
this is NOT creek
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They've been dating forever. That's how it's always been, right? Craig and Tweek. The best, cutest, always there relationship. Craig likes it that way because it's safe. However, there's doubts creeping in- does he really want to stay in a relationship he never even agreed to? How much love is someone supposed to feel for their best friend for it to mean boyfriend instead? Craig Tucker has always viewed himself as a side character, so when he finds himself in the spotlight, and needs to actually consider his real feelings, it hits him harder than he thought.
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lazaruspiss · 2 months ago
the whole concept of an unreliable narrator is kinda funny to me bc like. any and all character narrators should carry with them a sense of perspective and bias. bc that's just how all people work. like ik an unreliable narrator is meant to refer to other more specific stuff but also. when was the last time u read a story where the narrator only gave u Whole Objective Truths. if the narrator is a character participating in/influenced by the story, then it /should/ show in how they narrate and perceive things. like i approach almost all stories (both when reading + writing) with the understanding that the events' portrayals are influenced by the characters' thoughts and feelings.
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lesliemeyers · 11 months ago
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the noble warrior leading his king to safety
+ some closeups under the cut ↴
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marshbarks · 4 months ago
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style week, day 4: band au! 💚💙 collab w/ @slobbykitty
a scene from a fic that adrian is writing, stan tried to give kyle his number and it did not go in his favor.
context under cut!
fic snippet, written by adrian ♥
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